El disseny d’espais comercials és una disciplina cada dia més necessària per mantenir el canal de venda presencial i fer front al ús creixent dels mètodes digitals de compra.

A Saez Decom dissenyem i construïm tot tipus d’elements per a espais comercials, basant-nos en les vostres necessitats i objectius i treballant en conjunt per obtenir el millor resultat possible.

Dins del disseny d’espais comercials, oferim diferents serveis personalitzats segons la proposta de valor de cada marca, així com disseny d’illes comercials, visual merchandising, disseny d’aparadorisme, decoració de botigues i locals etc.

Shop in Shop

Shop in shop is defined as a store implemented within a larger store. We design and produce all the elements according to the brand values; furniture, pavement, lighting, etc.

See commercial space

Commercial island

We have a long experience in design and construction of custom furniture. We design and build all kinds of furniture inside other stores that improve communication with users..

See commercial space

POS exhibitors

POS are elements added to a piece of furniture to expand and improve the communication of the brand to its customers. We offer all types of finishes and configurations to meet the needs of each project.

See commercial space

Visual Merchandising Retail

There are many ways to present your product in the store. At Saez Decom we design all types of furniture and supports to fit the visual and logistical needs of each project.

See commercial space

Window dressing

Saez Decom began his career in the world of window dressing in Barcelona in the 80s. Therefore, we put special care and dedication in offering unique designs and solutions for your brand.

See commercial space

Decoration of premises

As experts in visual communication, we work to reflect the values of your brand in the space in a visual and attractive way. We decorate any place and give it a new look with custom-designed elements.

See commercial space


We have a multidisciplinary team of experts in design and production of ShowRooms. We design and build unique spaces that offer different experiences to both the client and the users.

See commercial space

Pop Up stores

Pop-up stores are a great way to capture the attention of your customers and surprise them with an innovative design. We try to push our designs to the limit with great visual impact and communication.

See commercial space

Separator panels

To face the current complicated situation, at Saez Decom we are committed to professional solutions of fast, low-cost separator panels, made of resistant, sustainable and lightweight materials.

See commercial space

Blackbody for thermal camera

The Blackbody is a temperature detection system that allows temperature control of several users at the same time in accesses, avoiding putting personnel at risk.

See commercial space