Design and assembly of stands

We are already in May and the events sector is little by little recovering its pre-pandemic normality and at Saez DeCom we are back on track. We have built 22 stands in Port Aventura carried out between our two workshops in Madrid and Barcelona with a team from the respective production centers.

Port Aventura World

Commission: Port Aventura Entertainment S.A.U.

Stands: 22

June 30, 2022

The Port Aventura Stands were made up of Backdrops illuminated with LED strips, a work table, a low cabinet, a long bench and a high central meeting table.

Made of beech wood, the stands in Port Aventura have been assembled in 2 days by our teams in Barcelona and Madrid. Our production team has provided parcel and logistics services for exhibitors. All the furniture for the exhibition has been provided by Saez DeCom including construction material and rental.

L-shaped construction with 30mm strips of beech laminate with gray back and table also made of beech illuminated with an upper LED strip.

Construction of furniture made of matte white melamine with 4 doors and keys in all of them.

Construction of benches made in hall with custom-made cushions.

High central tables made with 30mm thick white melamine.





At Saez Decom we build our sets, stands and stage backgrounds with FSC certified wood, which is the acronym in English for the Forest Stewardship Council. This promotes and certifies good human and ecological practices by certifying forest conservation organizations. By using sustainable wood in our backdrops we have the peace of mind that our wood comes from a well-treated forest that also improves the social conditions of forestry workers.

At Saez DeCom, with more than 30 years of experience in the sector, we are specialized in the construction and design of sets, decorations and stage backgrounds for your events. We can offer you a comprehensive service wherever and whenever.


At Saez Decom we use the most advanced state-of-the-art technology.


We comply with the time frames marked and established in each project.