If you are thinking of organizing an event but you don’t know what type of decoration is most appropriate for your stage, since you need an easy, quick stage background that can be set up and taken down effectively, we recommend stage decoration with fabrics.

One of the most versatile, economical and at the same time most elegant and attractive ways to set up a stage background is to use the Pipe and Drape system.
It’s not necessary to use tools for assembly, placement and disassembly. The use of a lot of labor is also unnecessary; just a few people are enough to carry out the entire process, from start to finish.

Pipe and Drape: the best way to decorate stages with fabrics

One of the most versatile, economical and at the same time most elegant and attractive ways to set up a stage background is to use the Pipe and Drape system.
It’s not necessary to use tools for assembly, placement and disassembly. The use of a lot of labor is also unnecessary; just a few people are enough to carry out the entire process, from start to finish.

It is the most dynamic system available since it offers endless possibilities in a large number of formats. You also don’t have to worry about the length of the stage, with this system you can achieve as much length as you need.

Many fabrics to combine with our Pipe and Drape system

The most used fabric in this type of stage background is Molton 300, which we recommend, but you can also use velvet or trevira. You can use the color that best suits the space and design of your event, but normally the most common color for these situations is usually black and blue.

If you want more information about stage decoration with fabrics, contact our offices and we will be happy to assist you.